How to Find a Pediatrician

A child is the greatest joy in your life, especially when you are expecting one. No one can deny the happiness of being a parent; however, as an expecting parent, you have to become responsible for the well-being of your child and that’s where learning how to find a pediatrician comes in. You have to be careful when selecting a pediatrician, but most parents don’t know how to proceed.
You should choose a pediatrician when you are in your 7th month of pregnancy or during the gestation period of 28 to 34 weeks. Here are a few guidelines to help you learn how to choose a pediatrician for your child.
As mentioned earlier, being parent comes with a lot of responsibilities and duties which cannot be ignored at any cost. Before searching for a pediatrician, take down a few notes on parenting; decide what the most vital aspects of parenthood are for you like baby wearing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, homeopathic medicines, etc.
Every parent has their own distinguished style of parenting, so you have to find a pediatrician who will support your personalized style.
In life, it’s always better to ask a friend or a close one for advice or guidance, especially when it is about your child. When it’s time to find a suitable pediatrician, you can ask your friends, family members, and relatives for names of good pediatricians in the area. You can also check the directory of the American Academy of Pediatrics on their official website for names and referrals.
Once you have put together a list of good and reliable pediatricians in the area, you should go and interview each one to select the best one out of the lot. Don’t take anybody’s word for a particular pediatrician; it’s always better to do some of your own research too.
When you interview the pediatrician, take note of everything and also determine whether they like their job or not.
Many parents might feel this is not important, but it is. You don’t want to get stuck in traffic or spend hours driving down to the pediatrician’s clinic when your baby is ill. Hence, choosing the right location which is nearby is crucial. Ideally, the clinic should be situated within your area or neighborhood.
Health Insurance
Once you determine the location, you also need to check your health insurance plan. You might have adequate insurance and an excellent plan, but is your selected pediatrician covered by your plan? You need to find that out and additionally, any co-pays needed and the number of visits the plan supports.
The most important points of all, you need to determine your selected pediatrician’s credentials. All qualified and trusted pediatricians possess the following credentials:
- Board certified
- Member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- FAAP listed