Improve Work Performance With Voice Recognition Software
The business world is always looking for tools that can improve work performance. In most cases, improving employee performance will give the company many cost saving benefits. For the employees, it means less effort. It’s a win win situation. A big part of improving that performance is utilizing voice recognition software.
Implementation of the software has been a little slow since early versions for home computing left a lot to be desired. Not to mention, it required a long period of training. But as the future of voice recognition technology comes of age it has a broader range of uses. Also, many measurable benefits in a business environment.
Persistent Data
Voice created data is immediately recorded and saved, preventing data loss from operator error. It can be automatically converted and saved as a digital text file in a variety of formats which can be likewise edited, amended, or signed off by someone else in the business hierarchy using only voice commands.
Shared Data
Saved files on a network mean shared data.
These same digital files can be released to remote offices or sales people all over the world with a single authorizing command. Sales people in the field can submit priority rush orders without ever putting down a cell phone. Which immediately become flagged digital invoices on the screens of manufacturing and shipping supervisors.
An employee doesn’t have to be tied to a keyboard. Voice data and voice commands can be given over any network device such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Voice dictation means our hands do not have to be obstacles to our thoughts. The right software means communicating and filling out forms on the fly while our hands do other tasks.
Warehouse personnel and drivers can document what they’re doing without putting the box down. Employees with looming deadlines can finish and file a report over the phone before they ever get to their desk.
With voice recognition, most typos and accidental mouse clicks will be eliminated. Employees are only having to speak the appropriate commands. Accuracy rates for data entry will soar. Fewer errors means less time spent identifying and fixing them, less confusion, and greater customer satisfaction.
Voices, like fingerprints and other biometrics, are unique. Employees will be able to clock in or out, or access secure entry points, without having to carry and swipe cards that could be lost or stolen and take time and money to issue and replace. A spoken word becomes a fingerprint and a password, and employees can log in to computers and other devices without even slowing down.
How Can You Improve Your Performance At Work
Interactive phone menus now allow people to select options with a single word, while many cars sold today have functions that can be activated by voice command. Consumer gadgets are becoming more voice interactive than ever. As this becomes a normal way of doing things, more and more people will look to bring this technology to work for them.
Business thrives on data and documents, and these automated voice systems will also play a bigger role in business functions. Voice recognition software is a valuable tool that benefits both employer and employee.
What we can expect from the workplace of the future is already part of our lives, if only we’d realize and embrace it.